Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thank You Glutamine & Other Thoughts

I began taking glutamine 3 or so weeks ago because I read that it's helpful for muscle recovery after strenuous exercise as well as helping you avoid getting sick. I have to say that it's been very helpful for me on both counts!

I tend to be a person who gets sick fairly frequently. I am often stressed out, which I think contributes to that (I'm working on keeping my stress levels under control, but it's not easy!). And lately I've been at the germ-filled gym at least once per day, so the fact that I haven't been sick in several weeks surprises me -- and I am SO grateful for it. The point of this story is that I am so glad I started taking glutamine because I think it helped me avoid sickness during a time when my immune system is compromised (because I have been working out so hard).

"Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality." - Ralph Marston

This quote applies to me today. For whatever reason, this morning I began having crazy, doubtful thoughts about myself almost immediately. Maybe it was initiated by the Buff Girl at the gym who always makes me a little jealous with her awesome physique (and I know she's a MOM too! *sigh*). Maybe it's the fact that I have a fitness photo shoot on Saturday and my first competition in two weeks. Either way, my thoughts were crazy and I knew if I didn't do something about this, my whole day would head downhill.

So I practiced a few minutes of deep breathing and meditation after my run on the treadmill, like usual, with an emphasis on letting go of my ridiculous, self-doubting thoughts. My wonderful counselor taught me that I can acknowledge the crazy thought, but then tell it to get lost. And I can work on letting go of the tight grip of control I try to maintain on every aspect of my life. Things WILL work out, even if I don't micromanage them. Life has proved this to me over and over again.

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